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Over 300 Children’s Audiobooks Available for Your Enjoyment – Just Press Play!

All content approved!

All content in our library is meticulously approved by our top sociologist, ensuring each audiobook meets our high standards for quality and child-friendliness. This thorough

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Tiny Audiobooks works wonderfully across all device sizes. Enjoy listening to your content on devices as small as mobile phones and as large as big-screen TVs.

Discover the world of imagination and growth with our Children’s Audiobook Collection!
Specially designed for the curious minds of 0-6-year-olds, these audiobooks are not just stories but gateways to enriching their language, cognitive skills, and emotional bonds. Dive into a world where every listen is an adventure in learning and a nurturing embrace for your child’s developing mind. Subscribe today and watch your little one flourish with every tale!

Frequently Asked Questions

Our collection is carefully curated to cater to children from ages 3 to 12. We offer a wide variety of stories, from fairy tales for the younger listeners to adventure stories for older children, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

We’re always updating our library! New audiobooks are added monthly, so your child will always have access to fresh and exciting content.

Our stories cover a wide array of themes to captivate and educate young minds. From magical adventures and space explorations to tales about friendship, courage, and kindness, our collection is diverse. We also feature stories about nature, animals, cultural traditions, and important life lessons. This variety ensures that children of all interests find something they love, while also being exposed to new and exciting worlds and ideas.

All of our stories are carefully crafted to be around 300 words each. This length makes them ideal for young listeners, offering an average reading time of about 3 minutes per story. This duration is perfect for maintaining children’s attention and interest, while also fitting conveniently into a busy day’s schedule, whether it’s a quick bedtime story or a short listening break.

Absolutely! We understand that flexibility is important. You can cancel your subscription at any time through your member area. There are no hidden fees or penalties for cancellation.

We use Stripe for all transactions, which means we accept a variety of payment methods including credit and debit cards. Stripe’s platform is secure and trusted, ensuring your payment information is safe.

We take the suitability of our content for young listeners very seriously. All of our audiobooks are approved by a top sociologist to ensure that they are not only age-appropriate but also enriching. Our expert reviews each book to confirm that it aligns with positive developmental standards and offers valuable lessons and enjoyable experiences for children.

Yes, our service includes personalized audiobook recommendations for your child. Based on their age, interests, and previous selections, we suggest titles that will most likely captivate and engage them. This feature ensures that your child continually discovers stories that are not only age-appropriate but also align with their evolving preferences.

quotes from famous children's author


Dr. Seuss

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”


Mary McLeod Bethune

“The whole world opened to me when I learned to read.”


S.I. Hayakawa

“It is not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.”


Philip Pullman

“Stories are the most important thing in the world. Without stories, we wouldn’t be human beings at all.”

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